Mummy's Yummies

Tips and Tricks

These are some strategies that worked for me in terms of shedding ‘the baby weight’, but in the end, it’s up to you how you choose to go about monitoring your progress:

-       I never weigh myself: I waited 7 months before I decided to weigh myself and even after I did, I don’t make a habit of doing it regularly. I used my clothes as a weight loss gauge rather than the scale because my goal was to fit back into my pre baby clothes, rather than see my pre baby weight come up on a scale.

-       I drink a ton of water: After I had Dylan, I started drinking upwards of 10, 8oz glasses of water a day. If your breastfeeding, you will need to drink more water to stay safely hydrated. In addition to that, drinking water flushes your system and keeps you from retaining fluid. Visit the Mayo Clinic for more info on the benefits of drinking water and staying hydrated.

-       Smoothies: I drink a smoothie every morning. It’s a great way to get your fruits/veggies and calcium. Plus, you can add some ground flax or almonds to them for some extra protein/fat – they are very satiating! Check out Mommy’s pantry for some of my smoothie recipes.

-       Fit before, fit after: I tried my best to stay fit while I was pregnant and I think that this really was my saving grace. Even at the end, when all you can do is waddle, I would ‘waddle’ my dog around the neighbourhood. As well, I kept up with a fairly regular yoga practice, modifying the poses as I got larger! However, it's never too late to get in shape - check out my exercise page for more info on how you can start today!